This page is dedicated to and in honour of a great master, inspirational teacher and wonderful friend and humble human being Jesse Glover, who is the 1st student of Bruce Lee and was his assistant instructor from 1959 to 1964.
In the world of martial arts, Jesse Glover was a pioneer and innovator in his own right on a par with such legendary names as Grand Master Ip Man (Wing Chun Kung Fu), Professor Kano Jigoro (Judo) and Grand Master Morihei Ueshiba (Aikido).
Jesse founded Non-Classical Gung Fu and came up with the name after asking Bruce Lee for permission to teach his own class using the original teachings of Bruce Lee. Lee agreed with the condition that Jesse should not call it Wing Chun or Jun Fan.
“I was his student and as such I became his friend. Bruce was new to America at the time and he didn’t understand the culture and our ways of doing things. I became his guide in this respect, teaching him how to become an American while he taught me how to fight. A lot of Bruce’s students studied Bruce himself, but not what he did. Our relationship was different from that.” Jesse Glover
Non-Classical Gung Fu uses the basic principles that were taught to Jesse by Bruce Lee, but throughout the years Jesse developed it to make it his own unique way of a fighting system, which he referred to as a process as opposed to a style.
On a personal level, I am honoured and blessed to have had the privilege of knowing such an inspirational man for over 12 years – Sifu SEYFI
“This is not an intellectual system; it is a physical one. You have got to prepare your body so you can learn how to do it, but while you’re preparing it, you’re actually learning it, so it is not a waste of time.” Jesse Glover
He inspired me to improve my philosophy and approach to not only Wing Chun, but also he had a big impact on my mindset as a martial artist. His teachings helped me to enhance my abilities not only in technical terms, but also in my teaching abilities. I owe Jesse much gratitude and appreciate all that he has taught me.
There are not enough words to express the love and respect that he earned throughout his lifetime and the positive effect he had, not only on me and his other students, but on many others that encountered him.